Analog master, QVP, Quality Vinyl Projects

Analogue and digital master

Cutting must be based on a mastering excelling all analogue requirements. Our studio is equipped to verify the quality of the provided nasters and, if needed, a detailed expert’s report is handed to the provider with correction requests and recommendations. Alternatively, we can do the mastering process with the mixed Read more…
csomagolas, QVP, Quality Vinyl Projects


Record Industry manufactures high-quality cover prints and offers creative ways of dressing up the final product. Quality Vinyl Projects is based on a pursuit of quality not only the audio experience but also considers the look and feel to produce a product of true premium level. We provide advice and Read more…
terjesztes, marketing, QVP, Quality Vinyl Projects

Sales & marketing

Clients of Quality Vinyl Projects are also offered specialized marketing solutions by our very own label, especially in case of albums released by Gramy-H, ltd., on fields of media promotions and support for sales campaigns. We also have a nexus of wholesale and retail partners and provide direct sale methods.